Saturday 22 August 2015


A computer is an electronic device that accepts data and process the data into meaningful information. The above definition tells us that: 
A.   Computer is an Electronic Device.  An Electronic Device is any machine that uses transistors and silicon chips which are worked by electrons (a particle of matter that is smaller than an atom and has negative electric charge unit (-)). Television set, Laptop computer, Radio set, Camera, Mobile phone, toy robot etc. are electronic gadgets.
Therefore every electronic machine is a computer (electronic machine = computer) this means
not only our laptops and desktop computers are computer

B.   Computer Accept Data:
A Data is collection of raw facts or figures. Data could be in the form of letters (a – z), Figures (0, 1, 2… 9), Symbols (#, $, %, <,>, @, etc), Pictures or Videos. Before the computer worked out a relevant result, it first accept data from the user in the form of keyboard instruction or mouse commands through the input devices before responding to it accordingly (storage, processing, etc.)

C.   Computer Process Data:
Processing is the act of converting a raw data into information. The computer does some logical calculation on the input data by the this logical calculation transform data into information

D.   Computer gives out information.   
The main reason why we used the computer is to gain a relevant result. Here a raw data becomes a processed data (information). This information is received through the output device, e.g. the monitor, printer or projectors etc.

Therefore any device or gadget with the above qualities (A –D) is classified as a computer.


1 comment:

  1. Nice knowledge gaining article. This post is really the best on this valuable topic.
